Printable Recipe Card Freebie
I love a good recipe. Bonus points if it is simple (like anything made in a crockpot). If you follow the blog you know that I post some of our family's favorite recipes. What's the saying? 'Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.'
Nothing beats free, right? Today on the blog we have an awesome printable freebie for you! My friend Kari over at designed these beautiful recipe cards to share with you. Get some cardstock and print these off. They print four cards per page. So simple.
Print them off and get to writing down your family's favorites. Give them as part of a gift. Share your best recipes with friends. Use them and enjoy them. We love them, and I hope you do too!
Click the button below to claim your FREE printable recipe cards now.