Natural Beef. No Growth Hormones. No Antibiotics.

Why buy Bulk Beef?
The very best beef at our very best price.
Purchasing direct from a farm in bulk is the most economical way to purchase beef. You will fill your freezer with the very best quality beef at a great price. When buying bulk you pay the same price per pound for your premium steaks as you do for your ground beef. Our price is calculated on the hanging weight of the animal so you are truly paying for what you get. Another great part about buying bulk beef is that you get to have it cut to your preferences so you can truly get the most out of each pound. We sell our natural bulk beef in three sizes: quarters, halves, and wholes.
Average Hanging (Carcass) Weights
HALF: 370-400 POUNDS
How do I order?
It's as easy as 1-2-3.
1. Contact us to reserve yours.
Call, email, or contact us through the contact page on the website to reserve your Quarter, Half, or Whole. Whichever way you contact us, do it as soon as possible. We have limited quantities! We will match you up with the next available and let you know the time frame.
2. Customize your cut instructions.
Think about the way you like to eat and cook. We have a guide that walks you through the cuts, your options, and our preferences. We are more than happy to walk you through the process and the butcher is always helpful as well.
3. Pay for your beef and then pickup!
We will send you an invoice based on the hanging weight of your steer. Mail us your check. When the beef is ready at the butcher, pickup your beef and fill your freezer with delicious meat! Your beef will be cut and wrapped per your cut instructions. It will be deep frozen and packed into boxes when you arrive to pick it up.

How do I pay?
You will have two costs for your beef. One will be paying us for your beef and the other will be paying the butcher for processing. Both payments are based off from hanging (carcass) weight of your steer. Processing will cost approximately $.85/lb. You will pay for processing at the time you pickup your beef. We process at our local butcher in Clinton, WI.
Our Pricing:
Beef Wholes and Halves: $3.50/lb
Beef Quarters: $3.65/lb
Forms of Payment:
We accept cash or check (written to Gander Family Farms).
We do accept credit card, but will charge an additional 4% service fee.
Freezer Guide
How much freezer space do I need?
WHOLE: 20 Cubic Feet
HALF: 10 Cubic Feet
QUARTER: 5 Cubic Feet

"Friends of ours recommended Gander beef about 1 year ago. It is hands down the best local beef that I've had and at a great price. I love knowing that it is not a factory farm and that the cows have actually seen grass."
Annie S.
"Great food, great family, great prices! I love knowing where my food is coming from! Thank you Gander Family Farms!"
Jessica B.